
5 Tips for your 2023 Inbound Marketing Strategy

Written by Evita Gonzalez | Nov 20, 2022 1:00:00 PM

It’s no secret that our world is constantly evolving, and the world of marketing is no exception. The tools and approaches for marketing that always resulted in solid leads, no longer seem to have the same draw. People don’t respond to the flashy, in-your-face techniques like they used to.

The question is, is your marketing strategy adapting with the times?

Focusing on inbound marketing is one of the best ways to ensure your marketing strategy is relevant and effective. Inbound marketing is a much more targeted and focused approach, which results in long-term customers who understand your brand and are interested in what you do.

The following 5 tips will help you develop a successful and effective inbound marketing strategy as you prepare for 2023:

1. Know what you’re looking for.

One of the first crucial steps to an effective inbound marketing strategy is to define your target customer. Ask yourself, “Who are you trying to reach with your product or service?” Sometimes it can feel risky to define and target a specific group or demographic, but it will actually give your marketing approach more clarity, direction, and motivation, therefore making it more successful. 

It makes more sense to intentionally draw buyers that you know will love and benefit from your company, versus trying to catch anyone and everyone with a wide net. It will take some time and research to determine your target customer or ideal buyer, but it’s well worth the investment.

2. Stop selling and start helping.

Once you’ve identified your target customer, ask yourself, “What problem are they trying to solve, and how can I help?” 

Inbound marketing is not just about making a sale. It’s about adding value to your customer by becoming a trusted advisor who supplies them with the information they need in order to make an informed decision.  

No one wants to feel like they are just a number on someone’s bottom line. But a buyer will get on board with what you’re selling if they believe you care about more than simply making a sale.

 3. Pave the way.

Next, once you’ve won the attention of the buyer, ask yourself “Is it easy for them to get on board?” Do you have an efficient and effective plan to convert their business?

The most effective inbound marketing strategies include a call to action, in which the customer makes the very important decision to trade their information for interest in your product or service. Make it clear to them how they can learn more and participate, and then thank them for making that choice. 

A follow-up thank you email is a great way to add value, as well as give them more information. Don’t make them have to work for it!

4. Use technology to your advantage.

Speaking of emails, using an email campaign is a great way to promote your business and develop a strong inbound marketing strategy. Emails are touchpoints with potential buyers that allow you to educate your buyer, as well as to remind them that you are here to help them solve a problem.

Social media is also an important tool for the development of a great inbound marketing strategy. It’s important to create content that people are interested in and want to share with others. Consider which social media outlets your ideal customer uses, and creatively engage with them through that medium.

5. Learn as you go.

Whenever you try a new marketing technique, you want to assess its effectiveness and then adjust accordingly. At the end of the day, if your sales are increasing, then it seems to be working. If sales are not increasing, find out what the disconnect is, and fix the issue. Poll customers, speak to sales associates; whatever it takes to decipher the issue. Using the acronym SMART can also help you to better track and manage your results.

What works for another company may not work for yours. Discover your unique flavor and approach to marketing. Think of setbacks not as failures, but as opportunities for growth. If you need assistance with your 2023 inbound marketing strategy, Affluence Media Agency is here to help.